Group Work and Advocacy in Communities

This course is for people new to the Community Development Sector. It is for staff, volunteers and students who want to understand the basic concepts of facilitating groups and being an ally to the vulnerable people in their community.

This course is part of the Getting Started in Community Development package.

Purchase the full course now.

or, purchase the Getting Started in Community Development package.

The course is self-paced. You can start and stop as you like – the system will remember your progress. To complete this course it will take you approximately one and a half (1.5) hours.

Once you have explored each of the topics, you will be asked to complete a short quiz to demonstrate your knowledge. You must receive a score of 80% or more to receive your certificate. You can reattempt the quiz as many times necessary to receive this score.

Extend Your Learning

‘Extend Your Learning’ and ‘Further Resources’ are optional. They have been provided for select topics to expand your knowledge if you have an interest in that topic. The time spent exploring these resources is not included in the approximate time to complete the course. There will not be questions in the quiz regarding these resources.

A Moment of Reflection...

Most topics will ask you to consider some questions and share your answers with fellow learners. You can share your answers by leaving a comment in the section at the bottom of the relevant page.

To practice, add a comment at the bottom of this page with your first name and reason for learning about this topic. Read through some of the other comments to see who else has accessed the course.

Select the free Lesson below to preview the course.

two people using verbal and non-verbal language skills in the workplace

Communication Essentials

Communication Essentials

Frontline Communication in Community Development Conclusion

Frontline Communication in Community Development Conclusion

Buy the course or the full Getting Started in Community Development package.

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If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
– Mahatma Gandhi

Course Info

Purchase the full course now.

or, purchase the Getting Started in Community Development package.

The course is self-paced. You can start and stop as you like – the system will remember your progress. To complete this course it will take you approximately one and a half (1.5) hours.

Once you have explored each of the topics, you will be asked to complete a short quiz to demonstrate your knowledge. You must receive a score of 80% or more to receive your certificate. You can reattempt the quiz as many times necessary to receive this score.

Extend Your Learning

‘Extend Your Learning’ and ‘Further Resources’ are optional. They have been provided for select topics to expand your knowledge if you have an interest in that topic. The time spent exploring these resources is not included in the approximate time to complete the course. There will not be questions in the quiz regarding these resources.

A Moment of Reflection...

Most topics will ask you to consider some questions and share your answers with fellow learners. You can share your answers by leaving a comment in the section at the bottom of the relevant page.

To practice, add a comment at the bottom of this page with your first name and reason for learning about this topic. Read through some of the other comments to see who else has accessed the course.

Select the free Lesson below to preview the course.

two people using verbal and non-verbal language skills in the workplace

Communication Essentials

Communication Essentials

Frontline Communication in Community Development Conclusion

Frontline Communication in Community Development Conclusion

Buy the course or the full Getting Started in Community Development package.

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
– Mahatma Gandhi

