Step 3 – Who are the under-represented groups?

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Identify any groups in the Community Profile data that are not reflected in Centre User data.

Compare the main demographic characteristics in the Community Profile (Table C), particularly the suburb areas, with the Centre Data Summary (Table B). This step will help you to see if the Centre is being accessed by a representative sample of the community, or if there are any under or overrepresented groups. 

This information assists you to identify which target communities you will need to engage in the following CNA steps to ensure the Centre is hearing from everyone in the community. This will make sure you get the complete picture of local need.

Put it into Practice

If you do not have any data of your own to practice with, below you can download Table B and Table C filled with the example data and attempt to identify the under-represented groups.

A Moment of Reflection...

If you have completed this activity or one like it before:

  • Were there people in your community that your centre was not reaching?
  • Was there a trend in the community’s data that you weren’t aware of before looking at the census data?

Share your responses in the comments at the bottom of this page.

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Asset Mapping is an integral part of a CNA and should either be done before or alongside the CNA process.

Asset mapping involves documenting a community’s existing resources to incorporate these strengths when identifying priorities at the end of the CNA. Assets can be people, groups, businesses, services, institutions and public spaces. Assets could exist within your Centre, in the surrounding area and in the local region or Council Area that your Centre operates within.

The Bank of I.D.E.A.’s Guide to Asset Mapping and CCSA’s Asset Map Template will assist you with this.

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