Welcome to the Community Learning Aged Care Workforce project. This online content is part of a program that has been developed with funding from the Department for Innovation and Skills.
There are four key topics discussed with the aim to build the capacity of staff working in aged care, ensuring enhanced wellbeing for the employees and better outcomes for the vulnerable people in our community. The full program also includes face to face workshops to discuss these topics in depth with participants and contextualise the online learning to the workplace.
At present, the online content is geared towards the Aged Care workforce with references to the NDIS sector. In the future, Community Learning hopes to share this training across a range of organisations within both the Aged Care and NDIS sector. The topics have been mapped to both the Aged Care and the National Disability Standards.
We recommend that you progress through the course in the order the topics are presented below. There will be an evaluation form at the end of the ‘We Value You’ topic for you to provide your feedback. We really value your feedback and thank you for your time in reviewing the content.
If you are interested in the progression of the project or want to see the program in your own workplace, be sure to enter your email address into the evaluation form to stay up to date.
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The simple act of caring is heroic.
– Edward Albert