Some level of digital skills are essential for work, life and play. Community Centres SA has partnered with both the Good Things Foundation and the Wyatt Trust to bring computer literacy courses to the community. We strongly believe in assisting people of all ages and ability to access the internet and stay connected.
Below are some of our favourite resources for computer literacy.

Be Connected
For absolute beginners and those wishing to expand their skills. Articles, tutorials and exercises for all. Topics range from getting to know your tablet to streaming music and using the cloud for storage.

Good Things Foundation
Basic tutorials and articles from how to use and share calendars, send and receive emails to connecting to the National Broadband Network. Resources for people of all skills.
GCFGlobal has many online tutorials beginning with how to turn your computer on through to what a PDF file is!
Digital Unite has many Easy Read guides on how to use computers and their software as well as online tutorials.
Learn to touch type with Typing Club’s fun videos and games.
Keep yourself and others safe online with the Australian Cyber Security Centre.
Test your computer knowledge with Northstar’s Essential Computer, Software or Tech in Daily Life assessments.
It always seems impossible until it is done.
– Nelson Mandela