Community Centres & Neighbourhood Houses
About Our Members
Our members are organisations and individuals who share our commitment to empowering individuals and groups of people to build healthy and resilient communities. To have a voice, to feel empowered, to feel connected and participate in their community in a meaningful way, to pursue equity and advocate for social justice.
Community & Neighbourhood Centres
There are a plethora of community and neighbourhood centres located at the hearts of urban and regional communities across South Australia.
Centres are the local community spaces, full of resourcefulness and creativity, that connect up to 35,000 people with meaningful connections each week… and there are in excess of 100 of them all around SA!
Centres are vibrant and trusted community spaces which provide a wide range of services and activities for 35,000 people each week.
They offer pathways to employment, skill development and participation in communities through providing over 25,000 of meaningful volunteering hours each week!
They are highly skilled in engaging and partnering with people, with communities, with our allied organisations and businesses.
They make the best possible use of local strengths and assets – especially volunteers, service networks and community spaces.
Centres provide a space for wrap around services, complementing the broader service sectors by focusing on early intervention and prevention, working alongside community to develop the resources they need to grow their own resilience and wellbeing.
Our Partners – Other organisations and individuals that share our ethos
We have a strong commitment to partnerships and alliances with other organisations who share our ethos. Our members also include larger Not for Profits organisations such as Red Cross, Uniting Communities and Junction Australia through to individuals and organisations targeting a specific community need such as Food Bank, Islamic Society of South Australia, Australian Refugee Association, Purple Orange and Australia Day Council of SA.
Our Honourary Members – Those people that have made an outstanding contribution to our sector
Honorary Members are nominated by our members. They are people who have had a long term or wide ranging impact on or contribution to both:
- The establishment and/or ongoing success of individual houses and centres
- The continuation of Community Centres SA Inc.
Honorary Members act as an advocate for Community Centres SA and the sector of Community Centres and Neighbourhood Houses in South Australia. They:
- May have done this for many years or just a few
- May have contributed through a variety of informal and/or formal roles primarily as a salaried employee
- The person could now be retired, or be working
- Their role/s must have included at least one of the following: mentoring, marketing, involvement in events, strategic planning, advocacy, programme and/or training delivery
- The stand out feature of what they do/have done is leadership in the objective of connecting up, building meaningful relationship and contributing to positive wellbeing outcomes.