The Conversation Series is our online forum that brings to you people with exemplary experiences and insights in a range of areas. It began in 2020, when COVID-19 prevented our members from connecting and learning from each other in person. The series had a break during 2021 and returned in 2022 by popular demand from Community Centre SA’s members.

The theme of each conversation is informed by our members. Members are invited to attend the Conversation Series live from their digital device to ask questions and add to the discussion. The recordings are available to everyone to engage with at your own pace.

Guest Speakers included:

  • Shona Reid, Reconciliation SA’s CEO
  • Uncle Mickey, a Senior Aboriginal Man a descendant of the Kaurna (Adelaide Plains) and Narrunga (York Peninsula) peoples

Guest Speakers included:

  • Will Littleton, Community Centres SA’s Chief Social Investment and Relationships Officer discussed their lived experience of how they engaged a philanthropic organisation during their Community Centre’s time of great need and what happened next.
  • Stacey Thomas, CEO of the Wyatt Trust and Kate Arnold, Grants and Operations Manager at the Fay Fuller Foundation, gave the inside scoop of their philanthropic organisations. 

Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.

– Bill Nye